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Dom Mar 07, 2010 8:09 pm por nelson

Boa noite a todos.Depois de muito tempo de espera e paciência,consegui este ótimo receptor.Ele é considerado superios aos Degen,pelo que li em alguns sites.

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9 July 2009

2850 North Korean carrier noted 1030 on 3 July. not heard well in last two months as an indicator of band conditions to Asia [Wilkner]

2379.86.Brasil Radio Educadora de Limeira 0910 to 0930 weak with some Portuguese 8 July [Wilkner]

3255 Brasil Radio Educadora 6 de Agosto, Xapuri 1000 to 1020 om in Portuguese, weak 8 July, [Wilkner]

3255 UNID 1055 om en espanol 3 July. [Wilkner]

3309.98 Bolivia Radio Mosoj Chaski, Cochabamba 0930 to 1030 noted every day in Florida.

3329.53 Peru, Ondas del Huallaga, Huánuco 1015 with CHU notched 9 July;
Better on 8 July with music and om en espanol. best in lsb. 0050 to 0100 with good audio, 3 July. [Wilkner]

3945, R. Vanuatu, Port Vila. July, 5 0834 sound of a car with siren followed by a slow speech male; romantic pop and reggae music, 0856 male talks, 0900 canned talks on music by female “program”, Pacific choral but melodically seeming religious music. Good, constant signal level, 35333. Returning to listen from 0928 to 1002, basically music selections & talks; music was with a pacific elements crossing world pop music, from romantic to hip hop style; many IDs “R. Vanuatu; R Vanuatu, voice of...” Monitored two top of the hour and don’t heard that “flute signature”. Its signal was better than in 2006 considering actual propagation, better than the best moments of SIBC. At peak 45434 (Lúcio Otávio Bobrowiec ).
--------------Lucio tried this here but only a carrier ! Bob------------------

4409.79 [?} Bolivia, Radio Eco, Reyes carrier noted 0950 to 1002 on 8 July, no logs of Radio Eco at this time but is regular after 0100 in Florida. Before 0000 banda media harmonic dominates. rlcw

4409.79 Bolivia, Radio Eco, Reyes 0052 strong signal with om 3 July [Wilkner]

4451.2 Bolivia, Radio Santa Ana, Santa Ana de Yacuma 2320 to 2335 or beyond on some day, a regular since 30 June, per Lúcio Otávio Bobrowiec assistance.

4699.32 Bolivia Radio San Miguel, Riberalta 1000 most days, off 0900 to 1030 for five days , 2300 to 0030 seems always there! [Wilkner + LOB]

4716.62 Bolivia Radio Yura, Yura noted 1000 to 1100 fade with weak signal 7,8,9 July; 2330 July 4[Wilkner]

4732 RTTY 2330 with no signal of the occasional Bolivian. [Wilkner]

4746.89 Peru Radio Huanta 2000 Huanta Ayacucho 2335 on 30 June, [Wilkner]

4781.73 Bolivia, R. Tacana, Tumupasa. 2330 to 0000 with weak signal, some audio; also same time 6 July [Wilkner]

4790. Peru Radio Visión Chiclayo, irregular schedule off 1000 on 9 July and other days; 0930 30 June, [Wilkner]

4796.45 Bolivia Radio Lipez, Uyuni with om espanol 1015 9 July [Wilkner]

4800 Mexico 4800, XERTA 0930 carrier only on 8 July, 1230 fading out with music, 2 July. [Wilkner]

4824.49 Peru La Voz de la Selva, Iquitos Sign on 0914, yl into echo chamber effect on 26 June; [Wilkner]

4825 Brasil Radio Canção Nova [?] , 0933 to 0945 weak in Portuguese 8
July. [Wilkner]

4826.45 Peru Radio Sicuani, Sicuani 2340 on July 5; 1000 each day in July with weak but steady signal, no fades. [KM-Cedar Key- Wilkner]

4834.93 Bolivia, R. Virgen de Remedios, Tupiza. Noted recently by LOB

4857.39 Peru Radio La Hora Cusco 2330 to 0000 most local evenings, [Bolland Wilkner]

4857, Peru, R. La Hora, Cusco. June 26, 27 Spanish 2336-0007 two male talks in a sports program “lo partido...”, 2048 ads “computadoras...”, 0006 female talks, short music, 0008 audio silent, 0009 presumed carrier off. Capable to copy few words, 23533 (lob-B).

4865t. Bolivia Radio Logos, Santa Cruz 2340 to 2350 deep fades, yl en espanol, thanks Lúcio Otávio Bobrowiec 29 June; similar log 2 July [Wilkner]

4885, R Clube do Para, Belem 29 June 2330 to 2345, om with strong Belem ID [Wilkner]

4905.01 Radio Anhanguera, Araguaína 2340 om Portuguese vocal, good signal 30 June. [Wilkner]

4949.9 [?] Peru Radio Madre de Dios, Pt Maldonado 1059 carrier on, very weak 3 July. [Wilkner]

4955 Peru Radio Cultural Amauta, Huanta noted 1015 on June 30 [Wilkner]

5039.21 Peru, Radio Libertad Junin 1020 most local mornings

5460.1 Peru Radio Bolivar Cd. Bolivar 2330 to 0000 on 29 June [Wilkner]

5580.2 Bolivia Radio San José, San José de Chiquitos 2330 to 0000 noted since June 30, very regular Bolivian [Wilkner et al]

5952.53 Bolivia, Radio Pío XII Siglo, *1100 July 9th, seem regular sign on time.

6075 Radio Kawsachun Coca, Lauca 1000 -1100 seemed off 9 July; noted 1055 3 July, 1020 to 1040 better signal on 5 July [Wilkner]

6104.77 Mexico Mérida 0935 strong signal, om/yl with music 8 July [Wilkner]

6173.9 Peru Radio Tawantinsuyo, Cusco 0050 to 0100 weak signal but untroubled by cochannel slop, om espanol, OA music 3 July [Wilkner]

Pompano Beach, Cedar Key, Clewiston, Embu SP Brasil. [Florida / Brasil DX]

Pompano Beach, Florida, US
NRD 535D ~ Drake R7

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